Work life
Diabetes is becoming common and is increasing universally. In India, almost 1.33 billion people are affected by either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes results due to the body’s inability to produce enough insulin. While in type 2 diabetes, the body makes insulin but body cells stay unable in using insulin and generate energy. Diabetes does not affect the person’s ability to work if they are properly managing their blood glucose levels.
Strict blood sugar management is crucial to overall health, and when someone is working, they should be aware of their blood sugar levels, especially if the job is hardworking.
How to manage diabetes at work?

Whether someone is driving or doing a desk job, some self-care tips everyone should follow:
- Eat healthy snacks
- Eat healthy meals and do not skip one
- Always keep fast-acting carbohydrates like sugar candies or glucose tablets
- Keep diabetic equipment within reach
- Monitor blood glucose levels daily
- Buy a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for automatic detection of blood sugar throughout the day
- Walk for at least 30 minutes daily
- Take help from an experienced person who has been handling diabetes for a long time
Night shifts during diabetes

Managing blood sugar levels for people who work night shifts or alternate day and night is stressful. Because the circadian rhythm and the body’s internal clock will get disrupted and will affect the metabolism and hormones, which maintains sleepiness and wakefulness.
Working in night shifts may lead to insomnia, a physical or emotional pain that puts an extra burden on the body stimulating hormones that can raise the blood sugar levels. Thus, all these risks alert the night shift diabetic person to plan for their meals and snacks, take medicines on time, take enough sleep and timely check blood glucose levels.
Having diabetes is challenging undoubtedly, but planning and lifestyle modification help in managing it well.