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Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

We offer a comprehensive analysis of Insulin Pump by AgVa in comparison to its closest competitor, ensuring an accurate and fair comparison in terms of features and costs.

1. One time Purchase


2. Cost of an infusion set (Disposables)

Time AgVa Closest Competitor
1 Week - ₹ 5,000
2 Week ₹ 500 ₹ 10,000
1 Month ₹ 1,000 ₹ 20,000
1 Year ₹ 12,000 ₹ 2,40,000
5 Years ₹ 60,000 ₹ 12 Lakhs

3. Glucose Monitoring Strips Price

Time AgVa Closest Competitor
1 day ₹ 6/- ₹ 30/-
1 Week ₹ 42/- ₹ 210/-
1 Month ₹ 180/- ₹ 900/-
1 Year ₹ 2,160/- ₹ 10,800/-
5 Years ₹ 10,800/- ₹ 54,000/-

Estimation, If consuming three times per day

4. Total Cost Over a 5-Year Period

Assets AgVa Closest Competitor
Insulin Pump Cost ₹ 24,999/- ₹ 3 Lakh
Disposables Cost ₹ 60,000/- ₹ 12 Lakh
Glcose Monitoring Strips Cost ₹ 10,800/- ₹ 54,000/-
Total Cost ₹ 95,800/- ₹ 15,54,000/-

Important Points

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