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Insulin Pump Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a common type of diabetes affecting a large population and requires steady blood glucose management, which is carried out by medications and insulin therapy. The insulin pump is advanced diabetes management equipment.


The insulin pump is a computerised device that delivers insulin into the body throughout the day. An insulin pump is connected via a flexible tube with a needle on the end, which sits under the abdominal skin and is taped at the site. This device can be put in the pocket or worn on a belt. Presently, many people with type 2 diabetes are on an insulin pump. 

Insulin pumps deliver a continuous supply of insulin 24 hours a day, which can be customized as per the needs of the users. Insulin is delivered constantly at mealtime and overnights, which is called basal insulin. While the addition of extra insulin after meals is called bolus insulin. People on insulin pumps should check their blood glucose levels at least four times a day. 

Why use an insulin pump for diabetes? 


Insulin pumps are used for diabetes because they slowly release insulin exactly like the natural insulin from the pancreas. Also, several research studies have shown how useful and safe is insulin pump for controlling blood sugar. The best part of insulin pumps is that they free the diabetics from multiple shots of injection. The insulin doses can be set as per the patient’s need, which gives flexible access to the device. People who have to drive regularly and do workouts in the routine should use insulin pumps.  

Benefits of insulin pump in type 2 diabetes

  • Keeps long-acting insulin shots aside: The insulin pump delivers rapid-acting insulin(Humalog and Novolog), which is absorbed more readily in the body, whereas long-acting insulin ( Lantus or Levemir), may not be absorbed predictably. 
  • Convenient:- insulin pump therapy is very easy and people can wear that while going outside while eating, or while exercising. There is a need to allow some settings and patients can receive required doses. 
  • Fewer injections: with an insulin pump, there is no need for multiple injections every day, which goes up to 120 shots per month with regular insulin injections. Insulin pump only demands changing infusion sets 10-12 times per month and only twice a month with AgVa Insulin pump (Insul by AgVa). 

Insulin pump therapy has reduced the common hassles with other insulin therapy options such as : 

  1. Syringe 
  2. Oral medicines
  3. Using more insulin


Insulin pump therapy reduces A1c (a blood test to detect blood sugar levels for the past 3 months) better than normal insulin injections.

How to recognize if you need insulin pump therapy? 

There are a few points to recognize if you need an insulin pump:-